Friday 11 November 2011

And it begins!

Well here it goes.  My very first post on what I hope will be an inspiring little blog for all readers.

In exactly 7 days we should be settling into our new home, unpacking boxes and probably completely exhausted.  This weekend is set aside for the Big Pack of 2011!  Sean will be in Swaziland for work next week so it has to start early so he can monitor my de-junking (which I'm REALLY looking forward to).  It's amazing how much stuff you collect!  We've only been married for 3 years in December and the collection is staggering.  I'd hate to see what stuff my parental units would get rid of.  They've been married for over thirty years (well done!) and been living in the same house for about 17-ish?.... me thinks.  Anyway, I need to go check on the guys sanding our floors (so exciting! and it smells amazing too, like Christmas is here already) and maybe start the de-junking process.  Or just sort things into piles? Oh well got to start somewhere.  Will let you know how it goes and what treasures we find!

Yay!  First post of many, done!  Put a tick